Written by on January 3rd, 2013 // Filed under Uncategorized

I started using a cell phone on a regular basis around 1998. As all it did was make phone calls and as battery life was poor, I’d turn it on and off whenever I needed it. A number of years later, texting was introduced and for that I had no need, to say the least of a camera. Eventually, I learned to appreciate and embrace new and useful technologies

In 2007, shortly after the iPhone was introduced, I was in Paris, I had a moment when a number of things I am passionate about came together: travel, shopping, writing, photography and graphic design merged with the romantic at heart. Fabulous, a self-published booklet came out of that.

Fabulous Travel Photo Journal








My little book came at a turning point in my life, both personally and professionally. I still have copies to give away, so if you’d like to receive one send an email with your name and address to mail@studiosantalla.com and it will be yours.

Every year is good. Regardless of what happens, it’s part of the journey to this point.

Studio Santalla is on Facebook and we appreciate new likes. The same goes for Ernesto Santalla Photography.